Monday, December 29, 2014

दिल खिल रहा हैँ

तुम आ रहे हो
दिल खिल रहा है।
बड़े दिनों के बाद आँगन में
यह फूल खिल रहा है।।
क्या बताये आज यह समय
थम सा गया है।
बहुत समय के बाद रूह में
दिल धड़क रहा है।।
अब कही जाके इस वक्त
मुझे होश आया है।
अरसे बाद आईने में
यह चेहरा मुस्कुरा रहा है।।
आज कही गीत संगीत
याद आ रहा है।
कई सालो बाद होंठो में
सप्तक गुनगुना रहा हैँ।।
तुम आ रहे हो
दिल खिल रहा है।

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


This topic reminds me of my childhood days. I lived in a small house located in a very crowded area. That house belonged to my ancestors and was almost 50 years that time. I was the fourth generation residing at the same place. House with only two rooms was very small to accommodate a family of 6 members. There was no separate toilet and we had to go common toilet backyards to address our natural calls. We were using small passage for bathing and same passage was used for washing clothes and utensils. Other houses in the nearby area were also of same type. On both the side of road, there were open gutters and municipal water tap were besides gutters. Surrounding area was very unhygienic and unhealthy. As there was no facility for defacing in the houses, children use to deface near the gutters in open area. They used to brush and bath at the road side near the water tap. People used to wash clothes and utensils there itself. Garbage of the house was thrown on the road. People who were appointed to clean gutters and road appear once in a month. These cleaners had habit to take out all the chocked gutters waste and accumulate it on the road side. As far as I remember, garbage tank never came and road was always as it was with gutters mud accumulates. Situation worsened during rainy seasons as gutters were not design to carry storm water. Rain water never passed away from gutter and this kept the road flooded. Due to such dampness and accumulated garbage, mosquito used to breed there and ultimately the diseases.

Many places in India still have such unhealthy surrounding.  These localities needs improvement in area of sanitation and cleanliness.

Subsequently in our area some improvement was carried out by the authorities with help of local people .Improvements such as gutters are now covered, facility of ground water pumping, toilets in every house, , daily cleaners clean road and to wash gutters. Our place has improved. But such improvement is not there on other places. We have fight against such unhygienic situation to be 100% safe and healthy.

Sanitation means availability of portable drinking water, proper storm water drainage and sewage disposal. I would like to say that government and public and Municipal Corporation are working at their best to achieve 100% clean environment but as an individual we have to be responsible and start from our side way forward for cleanliness.

Basics for maintaining hygiene at home:-
1) Wash hands properly2) Clean floor with disinfectant3) Wash toilets with germ free liquid4) Use dustbin5) Keep kitchen clean6) Keep lid on drinking water storage and on food

Basic for maintaining hygiene at public places:-1) Do not throw waste on road2) Do not throw plastic, rappers and garbage on road3) Do not spit4) Use public toilets5) Volunteer for cleanliness drive6) Spread awareness to public

I understand that to make a good sanitation, health and hygiene system , we have to change our attitude towards cleanliness. We have to educate our self and others towards sanitation and we have to take action for making dream of Swachh India come true. In short we have to follow AEA i.e. Attitude, Educate and Action.
In a way forward and with the aim to make India clean, Dettol and NDTV both as responsible corporate has taken cleanliness initiative “ Har sapna sach karega India, Banega Swach India”. This initiative by Dettol and NDTV is really appreciable and falls in theory of AEA (i.e. Attitude, Educate and Act).
Such initiative is really good and here I would like to list some of its main feature which I appreciate the most are:-
1) Dettol-Banega Swachh India- a 5 year program2) Aim of programme to create awareness about the importance of hygiene and sanitation3) Swachh express will travel to 8 states over 75days4) Swachh ambassadors5) 12 hours cleanathon6) Working with NGO partners to support infrastructure for construction and maintenance of toilets.

I would like to congratulate Dettol – NDTV Swach India Drive and at last, I request everybody to adore AEA and take new year resolution to keep our country clean, happy and healthy.

स्वच्छ रखो अपने भारत देश को
स्वच्छ रखो अपने भारत देश को

न फेको रस्ते पर कूड़ा कचरा
डालो कूड़े दान में उसका हर एक कतरा

न करो खुले में शौच
वरना खुल जाएगी बीमारियों की चोच

पढ़ो लिखो जानकर बनो
स्वस्थ स्वच्छ एक समाज बनो

सीखो नए आधुनिक तरीके
जो बनाये देश के सुन्दर हर एक कबीले

प्रोत्साहित करो जनता को
दो सहयोग स्वछ भारत अभियान को

आओ मिलो हांथो से हाथ
और मिलकर बोलो Dettole - NDTV के साथ
हर सपना सच करेगा INDIA
बनेगा स्वच्छ INDIA
बनेगा स्वच्छ INDIAबनेगा स्वच्छ INDIA

Visit the link here: 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Clean and clear office desk is always appreciated. Organized working table reflects psychological and physical behavior of persons doing work over there. It shows person is systematic, organized and does not procrastinate the work, very specific and well behaved.

Why to keep your desk clean:-

1) Less distraction

2) Focused on current / important issue

3) Less chances to loss any paper

4) Ease in locating desired document

5) Psychological peace in terms of less pressure, feeling of situation under control

Hindrances to keep desk clean:-

1) Procrastination

2) Less importance of filing system

Clean working desk indicates:-

1) Systematic & organized person

2) Person’s clarity of thoughts

3) Enjoy doing work

4) Give importance to small but significant things

5) Like peace of mind

Clean and systematic Desk (Pictures from internet)

Here are 5 basic things we can do to keep table in order:- 

1) Prioritize work and hence the document:- Generally we are habitual to keep all working papers on the desk and avoid to file it or keep it on proper assigned place. Through we are working on limited paper / file, we keep on accumulating documents on desk, thinking these can be organized at time later. This is our biggest mistake. Such heaps of files affect our working efficiency, surrounding environment and atmosphere. We are unable to locate relevant document from such piles of paper. In order to overcome this paper anxiety, prioritize your assignments. Take one task at a time. Retain papers only to related work doing at that time. File rest of the documents. By doing this, we can concentrate on specific assignment, locate any paper easily and can do work in systematic and efficient manner.

2) Define location to each object: - Your office desk has many objects like pen stand, desktop, telephone, and water bottle; file carrier, paper weight, stationary etc…Try to optimize the space of table. Define place to each utilities. Accessories should be kept in such a way that it should be easily accessible and convenient.

3) Utilize the space: - Make use of horizontal as well as vertical space of your desk. Always use vertical board space effectively. To do list, important contact no. , major projects highlights etc. and your personal objects like family photo, object that inspire your etc. can be pinned on desk board. This will reduce desk space considerably.

4) Reduce paper work: - Do not carry or keep irrelevant paper. Try to avoid accumulation of waste paper. Properly document the loose paper in the folder.

5) Look at the desk while leaving:-At the end of the day, when you leave your desk then check your table. Keep all the left out things in their places. Clear all papers, arrange documents properly.

Above mentioned are the easiest ways to keep your desk tidy. In the next morning, you yourself will appreciate the clean desk.

Results of keeping table clean:-

1) Increase in efficiency

2) Focus on important assignment

3) Locating paper/ documents as and when required in no time

4) Feeling of doing work in correct direction

5) Appreciation from people and seniors.