Buying and selling is nothing but an agreement between buyer and seller. Seller agrees to sell an entity with required specifications on agreed time. And at the same Time, buyer agrees to pay the agreed amount to seller on time. For a successful deal, following parameters to be taken care of:
1. Clear, specific and detailed knowledge of product to be purchased.
2. Recorded and unambiguous negotiation of deal.
3. Timely delivery of product.
Quikr has provided a wonderful platform for buyer and seller to meet up their expectations. Quikr has launched a new application Quikr Nxt which is a great application through which buyer and seller can exchange their products information, details, requirements and record their negotiations deal and finalized their deal etc without any phone calls.
Today the mode of expression and exchange & telecommunications has got a new level. Chating has many positive aspects over phone calls. Facilities provided in Quiker nxt chat function is the far better and safe than phone call in order to finalize the deal with strangers . Major advantages of this applications are
1. Time saving and multitasking.
2. One can handle number of clients at a time.
3. Person can share details as required and demanded by purchaser.
4. Easy judgement as every communication is on record.
5. Negotiations and conversation can be saved
6. Most important is that one can keep phone no. and personal email-ID confidential.
8. For taking, we need only Quikr ID and password.
9. As identity remain private, fake and annoying contacts can be avoided.
10. It has option to block any person and delete contacts.
One of the biggest advantage of this inter-net medium is safety and security. People are safe both personally and safe as far as their deal is concerned. In addition to aforesaid, I would prefer this chat function over phone calls to finalize my business because
1. Every time I need not to talk. Its very annoying when any dealer calls in between of a meeting. Further, I need not to safe all the contact numbers of perspective buyer or seller as their Quikr id will be available with me anytime.
2. Its not necessary that every time only I have to answer or question from second party. Any one ( of course my people who are involved in deal) can take up the conversion if I m not available.
3. Easy communication with no ambiguity. Parties can share details as and when required. As every communication is being recorded and saved in history so there are very less chance to disagree with own commitment and agreement
I really appreciate and thankful to Quikr for developing such use friendly chat classified. Soooooooooo